Experiencia Con la Tecnologia
I remember when computers first arrived in the classroom 30 years ago (approx.) and they sat in the back of the class collecting dust because the teachers didn't know how to use it and/or there was only for the whole class. I have used them in my class and now with the arrival of a full class set of Chrome books, I use them frequently throughout the day. I have done some low tech webinars from and to Japan on free public software programs that were very inconsistent (10 years ago).
El Miedo y Pasión en Usar la Tecnología
Being a more "seasoned" teacher, I am less comfortable with technology. 15-20 years ago I felt like I was almost up to speed with "ClarisWorks," an Apple program we used in our school. Since then, I tend to see technology and technology purchase as opportunities for frustration and failure (countless experiences of unused computers or software programs that defeated me. There was a short lived TV program where the senior detective kept referring to the computer as the "computer machine." That about sums up my feelings and experience with technology (although, I have to admit that I am delighted with Google Calendar and Classroom).
Lo Que Espero Aprender de Este Circulo Colegial de Aprendizaje
- I would like to understand and be more comfortable working with my computer.
-I would like to learn to use Popplet
-I would like to know how to attach a writing rubric to Google Classroom writing assignments.
Afuera de la Escuela
I am very busy with church and enjoy it. I like to hike and kayak with my wife. Paradise for me is floating in my kayak on a quiet Canadian lake with the sound of loons calling. I enjoy music and find my work output doubles when I am listening (even to Bob Dylan and his not so melodic voice). I am multi-talented and can run 5 and 10k's at an incredibly slow pace, play the guitar very poorly, and butcher Spanish, sign language, Japanese (just a bit), and English. It is important to understand that I am not exaggerating.
PS I would be in serious trouble if I didn't mention that I love spending time with my 4 grandchildren (and my 2 daughters of course).